21-21 Mar 2024 Strasbourg (France)

General information > Key information

Important dates

January 10th, 2024 - Announcement of the event in its 2024 edition to all ED182 doctoral students.

January 16th, 2024 - Opening date for registration and submission of abstracts for posters and presentations.

January 22nd, 2024 - 1st REMINDER for abstract submission.

January 30th, 2024 - 2nd REMINDER for abstract submission.

February 6th, 2024 - 3rd REMINDER and DEADLINE for abstract submission.

February 16th, 2024DEADLINE for registration.

February 23rd, 2024EXTENDED DEADLINE for abstract submission.


Firday 28th March 2024 - ED 182 PhD Student Congress, at the "Collège Doctoral Européen"



Last news

  • There will be cash prizes for both the poster and the presentation sessions.
    Even if we are still discussing with our sponsors for the final details, we can already tell you that prices are expected to be the same between the two sessions and up to 150€ will be given for the best poster and another 150€ for the best presentation.

  • Lunch will be a cocktail.

  • Goodies will be given to each and every one of you!


Congress day

At the event, you can present and spread your research, in English, through an oral presentation (~8 to 12 min for a total of 15 minutes with the questions) or a poster presentation.

Be assured that everything is rewarded as all participants 🪑 will be credited 5 hours of transversal training for being at the event.
And, if you choose to present your work 🗣️, it will raise to 9 hours of transversal training and that's not all as the best productions of the day will be awarded at the end of the day 🎁!

1st year PhD students, we must inform or remind you that your attendance is mandatory as this congress represents the best way for you to integrate yourself and know/realise the scientific scope across our doctoral school.
Other PhD students, we hope you will join us for this big day, as you are more than welcome not only to present your work but also for discussions with 1st year PhD students so you can share with them your experience and even advise them!



Registration is mandatory for all participants, whether you plan to submit or not an abstract for a presentation/poster: registration and abstract submission are two separate procedures.

You can find more details on how to register on the "Navigation > Key information > Registrations" page (on the left of this page).



Not sure if you want to present your thesis subject?
Determined to share your work with us?
Questioning about how the sessions will go?

You can find all the information about both oral and poster presentations in the folder "Navigation > Submission".
You can then choose the page of your interest and learn more about them!!

You will also find in this folder the page for the abstract submission if you want to contribute scientifically to the conference!

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