21-21 Mar 2024 Strasbourg (France)

Submission > Information Oral

Oral Presentations Session

During the conference, there will be oral presentations taking place in the amphitheatre of the Collège Doctoral Européen.

8 to 12 presentations are expected, they will be classified in various sessions, gathered among a common theme so the identification of how wide the subjects in the doctoral school 182 are.

For this session, the audience will be composed of the other attendees of the conference. You have the opportunity to present your research topic, with a wide vulgarisation so everyone can understand it, but it does not mean that you have to simplify or reduce the importance of your work.

A jury of researchers will complete the audience and will have the task to select, at the end of the day, the best presentation, the speaker will receive a price for it!

Do you want to present your work in the amphitheatre?
Submit an abstract (Navigation > Submission > Abstract to see how) et write in the title of your subject that you want to perform it as an oral presentation. 😉
You will find in the second part of this presentation page the guidelines for your presentation, we wish you courage in your preparation! 🙂


Amphitheatre Presentation Guidelines

We strongly recommend you have a slideshow for your presentation.

You can also use other materials (small models...) if you want to and you think it could be easier to reach the audience but make sure that they are big enough so everyone can see them. 

All presentations will be in English, the length of your presentation has to be between 8 and 12 minutes.
The audience will then ask some questions for a total time of 15 minutes for your whole subject (3 to 7 minutes of questions).

Please vulgarise your work so it can be understandable for a novice-in-your-field audience.

To assure that all presentations go perfectly (text + images + animations) and to reduce the dead time between each, you will be contacted a couple of days before the 21st of March, to send a preliminary version of your slideshow.
You can then choose the software of your choice to design this slideshow, we just want you to add, on the front page, the logos of the conference and of the doctoral school, downloadable right here: Logo_congress & Logo_ED.

We thank you for it and wish you a nice preparation!

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