28-28 Mar 2025 Strasbourg (France)

General information > Registrations

Do you want to participate in the conference?
On this page, you will learn how to register in 4 quick and little steps!


Step 1 : Scienceconf account

For registration, you require a "Scienceconf" account.
To create one, please go to the blue frame at the top of the page.
Put your mouse on the down arrow and select "Create an account" as you can see on the screenshot.


Important remark:
If you attended a previous edition of this conference, you should already have an account!
Try to remember your login information or click on "Lost password ?". You must have used your professional mail account to log in the first time.



Step 2 : Registration as an attendee

Once your Scienceconf account is created, you can connect on this website and register for the conference!

To do so, go to "My space" > "My registration" (link here) and fill in the registration form.
Click then on "Overview" to check everything and finally "Submit"! 

Congratulations! You have successfully registered yourself for the conference !!
You will on short notice get a confirmation email!



 Step 3 : Registration for hours validation

To get the 5 hours of transversal training granted by attendance to the conference, go on Amethis and register for the following event : 

 Step 4 : Presentation at the conference?

Your registration for attending the conference is done but why not go further and present your work to everyone?

You will find in the "Navigation" > "Submission" section the information for both sessions planned for this day:
poster and oral presentation in the amphitheatre.
In this same section, there is the "Abstract" page where you will find a downloadable abstract to fill in and the instructions to submit it!

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